100 original 4 bar drum loops inspired by the drum sound of mix engineer Tchad Blake. Using parallel distortion, and in particular the use of sansamp distortion pedal, the resulting sound is warm, impactful and unique.
The Loops are slpit between 10 tempos, with each tempo representing a song with varing takes on a verse and chorus groove.
Vintage drums were recorded dirct to analogue tape, and mixed using analogue outboard gear, including a sansamp distortion pedal.
- 1966 Ludwig Super Classic Drum Kit
- 1980 Rogers Snare Drum
- Vintage and Modern Zildjian Cymbals
Signal Chain:
- Bass Drum - AKG D12 - Studer 169 Preamp - Otari MX5050 Tape
- Snare Drum - Neumann KM184 - Studer 169 Preamp - Otari MX5050 Tape
- Overhead - AEA R88 - Studer 169 Preamp - Otari MX5050 Tape
- Tom - AKG C414 - Studer 169 Preamp - Otari MX5050 Tape
- Floor Tom - AKG C414 - Studer 169 Preamp - Otari MX5050 Tape
- Centre Kit - Coles 4038 - Studer 169 Preamp - Otari MX5050 Tape
- Room - Neumann U87 - Studer 169 Preamp - Otari MX5050 Tape
- 100 original loops
- 60-144bpm temp range
- recorded direct to analogue tape
- mixed using analogue outboard gear
- 44.1khz
- 24bit
- WAV files
- 244.6 MB download